Whenever you purchase something, you should receive them in the game immediately. In some cases, it might take a while before they arrive. The purchase is still being processed in this case, so no need to try to buy the items again. If you haven't received the items after an hour or so, please try the following:
- Make sure you have a good network connection
- Open your device's "Settings"
- Tap "Apps"
- Tap the game
- Tap "Stop" or "Force stop"
- Start the game and check if you received the items
If your purchase still does not show up, please let us know: we are happy to help out. Please be sure to include the name of the item you purchased and a copy or screenshot of your purchase receipt including the transaction ID (looks like GPA.1234-1234-1234-12345). You should have received this by email from the app store after making the purchase.