We are sorry the game isn't running smoothly on your device.

If you have not done so already, please check the "Currently known issues" article. We may already be aware of the issue and working to solve it.

Below you can find two suggestions that solve a lot of technical issues:
  1. Turn your device off and turn it on again. Make sure you are connected to fast and stable Wi-Fi and start the game again.
  2. If this does not help: check the app store to ensure you have the most updated version of the game available:
  • Open the App Store on your device
  • Tap Updates (bottom panel)
  • If a new update is available for the game, it should be listed. Tap Update to install the update.
Should the above not help, please contact us directly: we are happy to help out. You can do so by tapping Contact us option in the top.