Troubleshooting 🔧
"Kitchens under maintenance" or download issue (Android)
If you see the error "Kitchens under maintenance" or the game does not start due to a pending download, please try the steps below...
What should I do if I'm having technical trouble with my game? (iOS)
We are sorry the game isn't working properly for you. If you have not done so already, please check the "Game Updates & Known Issue...
What should I do if I'm having technical trouble with my game? (Android)
We are sorry the game isn't working properly for you. Please follow the suggestions below to address the issue or to confirm that we are wor...
What are the system requirements?
This game requires a minimum Android version of 5.1 and higher and a minimum iOS version of 13 or higher.
How do I disable/enable game notifications? (iOS)
Please note that there are a number of benefits to having the notifications enabled:Receive a notification when we answer any of your suppor...
How do I disable/enable game notifications? (Android)
Please note that there are a number of benefits to having the notifications enabled:Receive a notification when we answer any of your suppor...
Can I play this game offline?
The game cannot be played offline.This is something we hope to set up in the future but is not available at this moment.
I have a problem with an advertisement in the game
If you are experiencing any issue with viewing ads in our games on your mobile device, please try the following steps:Turn your device off a...
I cannot install the game on my device (Android)
If you have issues installing the game on your devices from the Play Store, please follow the link below to follow the troubleshooting propo...
I have no sound in my game (iOS)
Try the suggestions below to get the sound working: Check the game settings to make sure the music and sounds are turned on. Force stop and ...
I have no sound in my game (Android)
Try the suggestions below to get sound working: Check the game settings to make sure the music and sounds are turned on.Force stop and resta...